
Xero4PowerBI Blog

Welcome to the Xero4PowerBI Blog. The blog will provide updated information for Xero4PowerBI and the related products such as OdataLink, PowerBI, Paginated Reports and Xero

Current Position Update

The new Current Position report focuses on your financial performance for the last 30 days and your current balance.

Update Version 30 available

This is a minor update but it fixes a problem that caused a crash when there was no Standard invoice layout

Xero4PowerBI Paginated Reports are now available.

These reports include: Accounts Receivable Balance Sheet Executive Summary Profit and Loss Trial balance. Read this blog to find out how to add Pginated Reports to your Xero4PowerBI sute

Xero4PowerBI Update Version 28 - Logos and Cashflow

Xero4PowerBI Version 28 is now in AppSource. This release of Xero4PowerBI offers a variety of new features.

Update to Xero4PowerBI Version 24 - Budgets

Minor update to Budget functionality

Update to Xero4PowerBI App version 23

Xero4PowerBI Update Version 22

A new version of Xero4PowerBI is available in App source, this will be offered as an upgrade to existing App Installs.

Installing the Xero4PowerBI App

A guide to installing and configuring the Xero4PowerBI App

Update to Contacts Data Source